Letter from the Duke of Clarence to J.W. Daniell, written at Hanover

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[[underline]] "his manners towards his superiors were complaisant and I therefore discharged him": [[/underline]] let [[underline]] Ware [[/underline]] also be consulted: I approve of the Park Keeper paying [[underline]] the [[/underline]] Twenty Pounds of [[underline]] the [[/underline]] Green to the Salaries: the Park and Farm seem to go on well and will [[underline]] all the better [[/underline]] for the [[underline]] dismissal of Allen: the [[/underline]] lists of linen sent [[underline]] from [[/underline]] Hanover is [[underline]] correct [[/underline]]: I have received [[underline]] the [[/underline]] list [[underline]] from [[/underline]] Mrs: Oak and only wish to know if [[underline]] what [[/underline]] she [[underline]] has now [[/underline]] sent [[underline]] will [[/underline]] compleat [[underline]] all [[/underline]] her wants: I am now waiting for the drawing of the design from Wedgewood to order the Desert Service at Brunswick and ever remain, Yours sincerely William