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An Account of Warrants Signed by the Lord Chamberlain and directed to the Jewell Office, that have been served between the 11th. of June 1730 and the 11th of June 1731 £. s. d. For Sr: Conyers D'Arcy .... 1000[[unclear]] .... 427. 2. 6 For Lord Bingley 298th: in further part of .... 1000 .... 111. 15 .... For Lord Byron Christring Plate .... 110 .... 63. 5 ..... For Lord Effingham Howard Do. .... 110 .... 63. 16. 6 For the Duke of St. Albans Do. .... 200 ....116. 3 .... For the Lord Viscount Middleton Do: .... 120 .... 69. 5. 9 For eight Messengers Badges .... 56 .... For two Setts of Watermens Badges .... 70 .... For four Silver Boxes for the Great Seal .... 34 .... £ 1011. 7. 9.