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£ s & Brought Forward 9573. 9. 3 1/2 Mr: Sallaway for triming the Oars belonging to the Barges .... } 3. 15 .... Officers of the Removing Wardrobe Disburstments .... 84. 10. 1. John Oldfield for Instructing the Children of the Chapel when at Windsor in Writing .... } ....19. 4 .... Pages of the Presence in lieu of Wax Candles .... 22. 1 .... Grooms of the Chamber in Lieu of Do. .... 22. 1 .... Watchmen for Watching the Offices in ye Cockpit .... 88. 4 .... Mr: Scott for attending with the Barges at Windsor. 17. 15 .... Mr: Scott for looking after His Majesty's House at Kew 67. 10 .... Mr: Kent & Mr: Scott for Sweeping the Chimneyes at St. James's .... } 76. [[unclear]] John Potter the Late Child of the Chapel Allowance .... 20 .... £ 9995. 0. 4

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