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made of the same as is hereby directed shall be duly Allowed upon the respective Account or Accounts of the respective Officers who shall make such Payments as aforesaid and this Indenture further Witnesseth That for the better accommodation of her Majesty in Case she shall Survive his Majesty and for the Causes and Consideration, before mentioned and for divers other good Causes and Considerations his Majesty in this behalf moving and by Virtue of the Act of Parliament first above mentioned Our said Sovereign Lord the King Hath Given and Granted Doth by those Presents for himself his Heirs and Successors of his Especial Grace certain Knowledge and meer Motion give and grant unto the said Sir Spencer Compton, Sr. Robert Walpole, and Sr. Robert Eyre (being Persons whom his Majesty hath thought fit to Name and doth hereby Name to be Trustees for the purposes herein after mentioned) and to their Heirs all that Mansion house now or heretofore usually called the Lodge formerly in the Tenure of John Latton Esqr. scituate and being within his Maj.'s Park called Richmond Old Park in the County of Surry Together with all Structures Edifices Stables Dove Houses Barns Orchards Gardens Commodities and Advantages whatsoever to the said Mansion House or Lodge belonging or appertaining or with the same now or at any time heretofore usually Occupied or Enjoyed, and all that Parcell of Woodland within the said Parke late in the Tenure of Thomas Barnes and afterwards in the Tenure or Occupation of the said John Latton containing by Estimation Six acres either more or less all those diverse other Parcells of Lands within the said Parke sometime in the Tenure of the said Thomas Barnes Tenant thereof at Will now or late called or known by the several Names and containing by Estimation as follows Vizt. Virginia Close containing twenty and five Acres, Walke Close twelve acres, Sorrell Close thirty Acres, and Town Close Thirty Acres, And also all those several Peices or Parcells of Land within the said Park [[catchword]] late [[/catchword]]