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Direct Authorise and Appoint that the said Annuity or Yearly Sum of £100,000 shall according to the tenor and true meaning of the same Act and of these Presents be Paid and Payable from time to time at the Receipt of the Exchequer of his Majesty his Heirs and Successors without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for Paying the same or any part thereof, And that the Acquittance or Acquittances of her Majesty of the said Sr. Spencer Compton Sr. Robert Walpole, and Sr. Robert Eyre the Survivors or Survivor of them or of the Heirs of such Survivor of her Maj's Treasurer or Receiver General for the time being shall be a good and sufficient discharge for the Payment thereof without any further or other Warrant to be Sued for or obtained in that behalf and that the said Annuity or Yearly Sum of £100,000 and every part there of according to the true meaning of the same Act shall be free and Clear from all Taxes Impositions and other Publick Charges whatsoever; And that the Com. of the Treasury of his Majesty his Heirs and Successors and the High Treasurer and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer for the time being shall cause the said Yearly Sum of £100,000 to be issued and Paid according to the Tenor and true meaning of the same Act and of these Presents out of the said Duties and Revenues which compose the said Fund commonly called the Aggregate Fund and every or any of them And his Majesty for himself his Heirs and Successors in Pursuance of and by virtue of the Act first mentioned doth hereby further will Direct Authorise and Appoint that her Majesty or her said Trustees incase of Refusal or neglect of Payment of the said Annuity or Yearly Sum of £100,000 or any part thereof shall have such Remedies as by the same Act in such Case or Cases are given and provided and such further Remedies Aid and Assistance from time to time from the Heirs and Successors of his Majesty and from their Officers for the time being as shall be reasonably desired by her Majesty or her said Trustees or any of them for the Recovery and due Payment of the said Annuity or Yearly Sum of £100,000 and every or any part thereof and all Arrearages of the same which shall at any time or times become due or Payable according to the Tenor and true meaning of these Presents and that all Payments shall be [[catchword]] made [[/catchword]]