Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/074], informing her of negotiations in connection with Mr Clayton's succession to his father's estate and advising her to 'take your measures', and commenting also on 'a marriage with an heiress, who has but one brother'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/044].

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[[foreign: French]] et votre amié vous ferais bein de lanavertir lon parlee meme d'un mariage avec une heriteir, qui ne les pas ancore, que aun frere, que lon conte pourein, prené vos messure, et croié que votre bein et ceu des vos amis qui vous one done de larjean sur vos teres sont an danger adieu ma chere Madame je suis la plus sincere de vos amis [[/foreign]]