Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales

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[[note]] the Queen to the Prince of Wales 16th. July 1792 [[/note]] My dearest Son. I have waited till to Day in hopes of being able to say something Comfortable, but I am sorry to say that I know of Nothing that has past since Wednesday last when at the Kgs reform I told him of Yr Visit, a [[deletion]] great [[/deletion]] part of Our Conversation, particularly the disagreable Situation of House. He then assured me of not having received any letter from Lrd Thurlow, I expected to have something about it on Friday when He comes from Town, but not a Word has passed since. I must however add that the Kg heard me without being angry as for as Time would permit me to Speak, but gave [[underline]] no [[/underline]] answer, only saying he had recieved no [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] Letter. I am sorry I can give no