Diary for "Month of January & part of February 1794"

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London February 1794. of the Guards give as a Present to Grl Luke for His behaviour at Lincelles. The Workmanship is made by Messieurs Walston & Taylor, Silversmith in Panton Street. [[note]] Wednesday 5th [[/note]] The Kg recieved an account of Lrd Cornwallis arrival in the Channel from [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] East India. [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] To Day Mr Pitt opened the Budget & his arrangement was universally approved of by all Parties [[note]] Thursday 6th [[/note]] There was presented at Court Ldy Robert Seimor & Her two Daughters & Her Son. Mrs Campbell by ldy Augusta Clavering Grl Bruce upon His return from W. India Grls Lee & Bertie for raising Regiments Grl Grenvill for being made Ranger of the little Park at Windsor. Lrd Craven as Captain in Lrd Page to Regiment.

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