Diary for "Month of January & part of February 1794"

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London February 1794 & the Prize or we returned by ¼ past 11. Lrd Wentworth was the Kgs Lrd in Waiting, & Ldy Harcourt [[deletion]] the ld [[/deletion]] my Ldy in Waiting, & Ldys mary Howe & lady Frances Howard upon the Princesses. we Supped immediately & retired ½ past 12. [[note]] Tuesday 9th [[/note]] Breakfast as usual. we saw while at Breakfast a Picture of the Kg Full length Painted by Gainsborough Du Pont for the Trinity House. also a Picture of [[deletion]] the [[/deletion]] Prince William the Duke of Glocesters Son in His Regimentals, & a Print of the 3 Eldest Princesses after a Picture painted by the late Mr Gainsborough for the P. of Wales. at 10 the Kg myself & Princesses Augusta & Elyzabeth went to Kew where we met Lrd & Ldy Paulett they walked with us in the Gardens of Richmond, we left Kew again at 2. came to Tow at 3. I saw the Duke of Clarence, then Dressed, & at ½ past 4. went to Dinner, after Coffe we

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