Diary for "Month of January & part of February 1794"

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London January 1794. [[note]] 28th [[/note]] This Morning Dyed the Countess of Abington She was Daughter to the [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] late Sr Peter Warren. The report of the death of Mr Henry Fizroy is Contradicted. Lrd Bulkley told me that Government had sent Orders to the Bishop of Autun, & one of Dumouriers Aide de Camp to leave the Country imediately. The Kg received this Evening the [[deletion]] first [[/deletion]] report of the first Examition before the [[deletion]] Council [[/deletion]] Committee of Privy Council at Whitehal on the Marriage of Augustus & Ldy Augusta Murray. begun the 27th The Privy Council Consisted of The Archbishop of Canterbury Lrd Chancellor. Lrd Grenville. Lrd Amherst Lrd Hawkesbury Lrd Chief Justice Kenyon Bishop of London Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer Mr Secretary Dundas.

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