Diary for "Month of January & part of February 1794"

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London January 1794 [[note]] 23d [[/note]] Hartford, Mrs William Windham upon going abroad with Her Husband. Miss Scott [[deletion]] by [[/deletion]] Youngest Daughter to the late Grl Scott. introduced by Her Mother. Miss Hay GrandDaughter to the late Marchioness of Twiddle, She was introduced by the present Marchioness of Twiddle with whom she lives. Mr Mr Liston took leave for going as Ambassador to Turkey. [[note]] 24th [[/note]] Windsor. The Kg received this Day the account of the Surrender of Pondicherry on the 23d of August to the British Army. the account came overland to Vienna & from thence The Kgs Minister Sr Morton Eden sent it over to England. To Day Mr Grant The Welsh Judge & Mr Isherwood the great Brewer here to Canvass

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