Diary for "Month of January & part of February 1794"

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London January 1794. [[note]] 23d [[/note]] return from the Army of Flanders. Major Hassel upon His going to the Hanoverian Army in Flanders. Young Winyard upon going to the Duke of York. Collonel Moncrief upon His return from Toulon, Captain Sir Sidney Smith of the Navy. Grls Drummond Bouley, Sr Hector Munro, Martin upon their promotion. Mr William Windham Ldy Egremounts 4th Son, upon going to Florence as the Kgs Minister. Mr Harcourt Eldest Son to Ldy Shuldham. Dr Guisborn. Prince de Salms an Austrian Husar Officer by Monsieur de Starenberg the Austrian Minister Monsieur a Neapolitan Gentleman by the Neapolitan Minister Monsieur Cercello. Lrd Robert Seymour 3d Son to Marquis