Diary for "Month of January & part of February 1794"

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London January 1794. mal being of the Oppossum Kind Carries its [[note]] 21st [[/note]] Young in a Pouch, The Head & One fore & one Hind Leg are plainly seen [[deletion]] but [[/deletion]] though it has been seen running about by one of the Servants who takes care of the Menagerie, it hath returned again into its Pouch. we came back to Kew by ½ past 12. the Kg came in soon after & we returned by 2. to London. I went immediately to St James [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] with all the Princesses excepting Princess Royal to see the Kg go to the Parliament. we were first in Ldy Charlotte Finches Apartment, then went through the Kgs Apartment into St James Garden to see the Kg pass through the Park. from thence I went back to the QH Dressed. saw Mr de Luc, at 4 the Kg came Home, we went to Dinner by ½ past 6. after Coffe I saw Mr Adams P. Marys Nurs with Her Daughters & Niece little Miss Dakers, then went Up Stairs worked & read till 8. then the Kg came Music begun & we played at Cards the Party was. Ldys Bath, Chatham, Courtown, Ldy Charlotte Finch, Mrs Stanhope, Lrd Courtown, Colonel Garth, & Mr Stanhope, at ½ past 10 we went to Supper & retired ½ past 11.

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