Diary for "Month of January & part of February 1794"

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January 1794 [[note]] 2d [[/note]] Madame d' Engelstroehm the Swedish Ministers Lady upon Her arrival in England. Two Count Kielmansegg in the Hanoverian Service. [[note]] 3d [[/note]] General Bruce came this Morning to visit Ldy Elgin, He is just retuned from Barbados on account of His Health He went there early last Spring, & was taken ill from the moment of His arrival. When He embarked in order to [[deletion]] come [[/deletion]] return from thence, He was not expected to live out the Day, but the Sea Air quite recovered Him. This Evening the Kg received letters from the D. York from Gand, no News but that the Hessian Troops were then ordered to Sail in order to join Lrd Moira, but that the Austrian Artilleries was not ready to go at the same Time.

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