Memorandum of Dr David Dundas on his visit to the King, including an account of the King's delusional conversation with Dr Heberden

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The Frigate sunk when they were half way over, & they all went to the bottom. He then said he was afraid the Duke of York was as bad as any of them, that he had resigned being Commander in Chief, & had gone down to the Outlands to him with that B: of a W: that he keeps--. He then said, but the Duke of Clarence is an angel--He has always behaved well, he & the Duke of Cumberland and gone to Botany Bay--they have sent a Ship before then, to carry away all the bad ones to America-- Will what is is next--but before Dr N: could begin to read--the King as had him if he had been up stairs to day--what have not you heard the knocking & it is all that angel Lady P:'s doing--she has taken the trouble to hang the pictures [[catchword]] Herself. [[/catchword]]

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