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[[underline]] P.74. [[/underline]] Jan: 25. Saturday - Bulln: for tomorrow - H:M: is mainly in the same state in wch He was previous to the late increase of His disorder -- [[underline]] To the Q.C. [[/underline]] H:Ms: thoughts seemed to be much engag'd yesterday on His female favorites - & He pleas'd Himself by laying plans for their amusement - This implies a state of tranquillity. H:M: dined well & slept more than 5 hours in the early part of the afternoon - He has not slept more than an hour & 3 quarters in ye night but H:Ms: countenance look'd open & well today - & He received us good humouredly - His conversation wch was unusually protracted was less exceptionable in point of matter than we have reported it lately. We do not doubt that every error wch His subverted reason has indulged

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