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Jan: 23. Thursday. P.58. languid. 5 Hours & ¼ sleep last night at 3 several times - His longest sleep 3 hours -- To the Q.C. A high degree of nervous irritability, the consequence probably of the late violent accession of His disorder, like the swell of the sea after a storm, is still observable in H:My: - tho' the K. has not burst forth into any strong expressions of passion. H:M: did not eat His dinner with appetite nor has He appeared desirous of His breakfast - but the K: received us kindly this morning, & related 2 or 3 anecdotes of the late reign spiritedly & we presume correctly enough but some strange notions succeeded then - very decisive of H:Ms: disorder'd state of mind. H:M: pulse was slow, it is true but H. countenance was not His healthy one, & we had reason

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