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Jany: 1. 1812. Wednesday. P. 80. To the Q.C. H:M: pass'd the last day in a very tranquil manner, & unindistinguished by any particular circumstances - There was the same manifestation of disorder, yet the day may be said to have been good one - H:M. had no sleep till night. He then slept 2 3/4 hours, & slept again for 1/2 hour between 8 & 9 this morning. H:Ms: reception of us was kind, & His manner conversible - He detaild many little stories - again acknowledgd the real time of the year, & talk'd as correctly as on any day lately; yet introduced into his discourse several marks of error in the way that has been familiar to Him so long. He detain'd us in this manner till 12 1/2 oclock wch has prevented us from making our report at the usual time. WH. (Signd) W Heberden J. Willis R. Willis

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