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Dec: 7th. Saturday P. 84. - It was agreed in consultation wth Drs Monro & Simmons to give the K: Ferri Carbonat: gr. i - quotidie To the [[underline]] Qs: [[/underline]] Council That extreme irritability which has been so leading a trait in H:Ms. symptoms for the last week, abated sensibly yesterday morning & the K: pass'd the greater part of the day in more tranquillity than usual. Indeed H:M: after having eaten a good dinner fell asleep & slept almost the whole evening. He retired to bed quietly, & has slept almost 3 hours more at 4 several times in the course of the night. H.Ms manner indicated a gt proneness & impatience & captiousness at our visit this morning, but ye conversation pass'd without a burst of anger, & H:M: did not appear to have lost any part of the disease of His mind whatever. HH: H: Halford M. Baillie W. Heberden J. Willis. R. Willis D. Dundas.

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