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Dec: 6th. Friday [[underline]] To the Qs: Council [[/underline]] It is painful to us to report the same proofs of [[underline]] perfect alienation [[/underline]] of mind in H:M: from day to day. H.M. was less irritable perhaps yesterday than we have frequently seen Him lately - but on all the subjects by which His distemper has been indicated, H.M. was equally wrong. The K. dined well & has breakfasted well this morning - & slept last night more than 4 hours - but when undisturb'd to day H:M: was engaged in conversation with the dead - & when rous'd [[deletion]] by [[/deletion]] [[addition]] to [[/addition]] a momentary recollection by the visit of the Physs: this morning display'd a most unreasonable & unnatural degree of passion in addition to the other manifestations of His disorder, which more usually discover themselves in tranquillity & peace - HH H: Halford J. WIllis R. Willis --

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