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Oct: 29. Tuesday. P.80. & not quite even - To the Queen's Council - H:M: pass'd a very quiet day yesterday during wch He talked but little & was occupied with His Harpsichord in a more habitual & less distracted manner than for some time past. In the evening H:M: ask'd one of his attendants to lead Him about the room - He walk'd very well tho' but for a short time. H: M: slept one hour & ½ between 7 & 9 oclock, & afterwards went to bed quietly. In the night H:M: slept 2½ hours but pm, till 7 was oblig'd to be confin'd. H:M: appear'd this morning in a more irritable state than he has been for the last few days - He permitted us to speak to Him on 2 or 3 difft subjects, but cd not be led

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