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Oct: 27. Sunday. To the Queen's Council - H:M: continued to be very quiet & silent till 6 oclock yesterday evening. He then threw off his wig & much cloth, & when they were replaced He strongly resisted, & said if He was not permitted to go to bed He would commit a great offence against cleanliness. He soon put this threat into execution, & wn His clothes were attempted to be changed He made so much resistance that Restraint became absolutely necessary. This was continued till ½ past 8 oclock wn He went to bed in a state of great irritation. H:M: did not appear to be sorry for wt had happen'd, but continued in the same state of mind. Under this disposition He had wetted Himself about 8¼ wch made a change of linnen necessary, & therefore it was thought better to take the opportunity of His going to bed, altho' it was earlier

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