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[[underline]] Oct: 24th: 1811. [[/underline]] To the Prince Regent - that excessive irritability wch has characterised H:Ms: state for several days past continues, & we found H:M: at our usual visit this morning again not to be approach'd wth a prospect of obtaining any information of the K's symptoms but what was obvious fm. His outward appearance. This extra proneness to excitement has been accompanied within the last 24 hours with sickness & H:M: did not eat either His breakfast or His dinner yesterday wth His usual appetite. The K: slept about 2 hours in ye night, & that with an interruption & manifested the same determin'd disregard to cleanliness wch H:M: has shewn almost every night lately. I think I need not add to this unfavourable report an opinion that the Ks. state of mind has not improved

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