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[[underline]] Oct: 22. [[/underline]] Tuesday H:M: pass'd the morning yesterday much in the usual way. H:M: was observ'd to talk rather loud, & shew'd throughout the day some degree of irritability. H:M: slept from 4 to 5 in the evening, & again from 5½ till nine. He went to bed without difficulty, but H:M: very soon became noisy & disturbed, & contin'd in that state almost the whole night without getting any rest. This morning H:M: appears to be in a very irritable state, & the whole frame more or less disordered, but we saw Him at the time of our regular visit under unfavourable circumstances [[unclear]] which no correct judgment cd be formed of His real condition. Sign'd W.Heberden D.Dundas. In fact He had threatened to soil His bed. Had done so, was just clean'd & sent to bed again - P.100 - face flushed &c

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