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Oct: 19th. Saturday. Bulln: for tomorrow: The K: has continued nearly in the same state throughout the week - P.64. [[underline]] To the Prince Regent [[/underline]] The Ks: manner after H:M: arose yesterday morning made us apprehensive that the day would not pass without our witnessing such an increase of agitation & excitement as wd require Restraint. H:M: spoke, indeed, but little, but His countenance was full of anger, & at 5 oclock p.m: it was absolutely necessary to confine H.M: to prevent His getting rid of every part of His dress. The K. went to bed, however, quietly & slept above 5 hours at the beginning of the night. After He awoke H:M: became extremely violent & unruly, & was not to be manag'd at all without the usual means of control.

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