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Bn. The K: continues much the same. Oct.8. Tuesday. To The Queen's Council. The K: pass'd the greater part of yesterday under less excitement than we apprehended for the irritation & violence wch H.M. display'd at our visit in the morning; but the same condition of mind wch we have had occasion to deplore so frequently lately manifested itself throughout the day. Between 6 & 7 p.m: H:M: became excited to a great degree, & began to talk to imaginary Persons wm: He conceived to be standing about Him. Under these circumstances we thought it expedient to repeat the dose of Laudanum tho' not quite to the same extent - but H:M: has not slept more than 10 mins: in the night and strikes us this morning as being as much lost & confus'd in His notions, & as eager in His manner as we have seen Him at any time - We have reason, however, from former experience to hope still that the anodyne may have its influence presently. (sign'd) H: Halford W. Heberden R. Willis David Dundas.

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