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no 3/ -9ber 5th Take Calomel prepared - [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] Grain Scamory Powder - [[underline]] 4 grains [[/underline]] purified sugar - 5 Grains mix the ingredients well into a powder no 4/ 9ber 6th Take Milk of Almonds .... [[underline]] 6 [[/underline]] drams ^ [[addition]] or [[underline]] 6 [[/underline]] teaspoonfuls Powder of antimony ... [[underline]] 1 [/underline]] Grain purified nitre .... 6 Grains Syrup of White poppies .... [[underline]] one [[/underline]] dram ^ [[addition]] or [[underline]] 60 [[/underline]] drops [[/addition]] mix the ingredients into a draught one to be taken [[underline]] 3 times a day. [[/underline]] no 5/ 9ber 7th - Take Milk of Almonds - [[undeline]] 6 [[/underline]] drachms Best Manna - half a drachm purified mitre - 6 Grains Syrup of Poppies - [[underline]] 1 [[/underline]] drachm ^ [[addition]] 60 drops [[/addition]] mix the ingredients into a draught to be taken 3 times a day.- no 6/ 9ber 8 Take Lime Water fresh prepared [[underline]] 6 [[/underline]] drachms Calcined Magnesia - [[underline]] 3 [[/underline]] Grains Compound spirits of ammonia [[underline]] 10 [[/underline]] drops Best Manna - 1 dram mix the Ingredients into a draught to be taken 3 times a day. - Turn over