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she was particularly cautious of not raising you in your own opinion, which I take proceeded from the fear, that your exaltation was taking from her merits; without sense she acted wisely; without thought she spoke properly; and without discernment, she appear'd to have her share of observation. Her opinions varied with the wind, her heart was a stranger to feeling, and a kind of Story telling was so usual to her that she often spoke falsely without [[underline]] meaning it. [[/underline]] [[foreign: French]] Fayel, la bienfaisance est un besoin de l'âme; Heureux, elle nous rend notre bonheur plus doux l'Etend, le multiplie, en prévient les dégouts. Malheureux, elle charme, et suspend nos misères; On ressent moins [[underline]] ses maux, en consolant [[/underline]] ses frères. [[/foreign]] [[foreign: Italian]] questo mi fu dato da [[unclear]] , anche quello che segue. -- [[/foreign]]