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the Bathing and Sea Air for about seven Weeks, at the [[unclear]] end of July He was seized with a kind of slow Fever for which He was brought back to Windsor in order to be near the Physical People, we had the pleasure to find some alteration in him for the better in the first Week but after that the Fever became Dayly so much stronger that notwithstanding both inward and outward applications and the most skillful attendants His strength decreased Daily, and this dear little suffering object dyed the 20th/ of August about five a Clock in the Evening. This event though foreseen was a very trying one for [[addition]] the King. [[/addition]] myself and every Body about us, I do not repine, for this little [[underline]] Angel [[/underline]] now is far happier that We could have made him yet must I own my weakness, that I do feel a certain wont of something which I cannot find, Providence has been uncommonly Gracious to me in every Respect and particularly in that of preserving me a large Family and even in this Stroke He was singularly Gracious, for it was the Youngest and least known among my Children He deprived me of, may it please the Almighty to preserve those that remain, and that they may prove to be Good Christians and useful Members of Society, this is the greatest of my Ambition, and I hope that this my wish will not fail to be fulfilled. Your promises to the King of behaving better than You have done hitherto, and the Acknowledgement of your faults, and particularly your consciousness of failing against Majendy is certainly very pleasing to hear - but pray my dear William, about seventeen I suppose You will see that promises alone are not sufficient but that a real change of conduct and Manners must take place, You are [[deletion]] a [[/deletion]] drawing nearer towards Manhood and the former excuses of mere vivacity will no longer befriend You, therefor I beseech You set earnestly about mending Your