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[[deletion]] Nor. 1st Sent my Brother £ s d John .... 0: 10: 6 Decr 18th Borrowed of my Brother John .... 0: 18: 0 ye 20. Ditto .... 0: 1: 0 [[/deletion]] Had Augst. 4th of Mr Brown Sugar 1 [[deletion]] Lofe [[/deletion]] 1 Loaf ye 7 Ditto ....1 Loaf [[underline]] 2 Ditto ....1 Loaf [[/underline]] Recvd from Mr Tuck 4 Cheshire Chees 12 Glocester Ditto Septr. 2d. Sent my Bill to the Board of [[underline]] Green Cloth [[/underline]] the Return of the Coroner 182 .... The Return of the Coroner Inquest 182 to be Had in the booke that [[underline]] is at [[/underline]] Home I belive