Letter from the Duke of Clarence to J.W. Daniell, written in Ems

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your time will be agreeably spent and that I shall find you quite well and in high spirits on the Second October I want to know how young Elphick goes on at the [[unclear]]. I am afraid rain is wanted for the grass and turnips: we must make up the [[underline]] quantity [[/underline]] of the hay by the [[underline]] quality [[/underline]]. The Dutchess and Mary are fast and I trust and believe most beneficially bringing to a conclusion the bathing and drinking of these waters. I am steadily recovering from my mild but decided attack. The weather has been uncommonly favourable for all waters. We intend leaving Ems on 13th July when we shall have spent a very agreeable time and I hope a very useful expedition this has been. I am glad Pallmer has carried Surry and