Letter from the Duke of Clarence to J.W. Daniell, written at Hanover

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[[underline]] full [[/underline]] time to consider: my mind is by no means made up and I leave the [[underline]] places be. [[/underline]] The season is fairly turned: but [[underline]] much [[/underline]] and [[underline]] severe [[/underline]] cold may [[underline]] still [[/underline]] be expected: the money will tell of the Straw Yard at the end of the season: I am very glad you dined in South Audley Square and I really believe both Frederick and Adolphus are very promising young men: it is a good thing Augustus has joined his ship: the next three years in the Mediterranean will do him all the good possible and I trust he will turn out equally well with his elder brothers: he has all the disposition to become a sea officer if [[underline]] not [[/underline]] discouraged. The Dutchess I trust in God is going on most favourably and has completed her [[underline]] nineteenth [[/underline]] week: she unites with me in every