Letter from the Duke of Clarence to J.W. Daniell, written at Hanover

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No: 28. Hanover. Jany: 16th: 1819 Dear Daniell, Yours No: 24 reached me yesterday and I return as usual signed the regular enclosures: I have of course received the Bailiff's opinion about a grass farm: but still it is [[underline]] not [[/underline]] sufficiently clear: of course [[underline]] till [[/underline]] my return [[underline]] no [[/underline]] change [[underline]] can [[/underline]] be effected: but I want Coates's [[underline]] positive [[/underline]] opinion whether the continuance of the [[underline]] arable [[/underline]] farm or the conversion of the [[underline]] whole [[/underline]] into [[underline]] grass [[/underline]] except [[underline]] the one hundred Acres [[/underline]] is [[underline]] most [[/underline]] advantageous: he [[underline]] must [[/underline]] also consider that except the alteration of the lambing fold no buildings will be required and the [[underline]] arable [[/underline]] land is getting into [[underline]] better heart & cleaner [[/underline]]: under the [[underline]] existing [[/underline]] and [[underline]] future [[/underline]] state of things is an [[underline]] arable [[/underline]] or [[underline]] grass [[/underline]] farm [[underline]] most [[/underline]] advantageous: let [[underline]] him [[/underline]] take his

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