Letter from the Duke of Clarence to J.W. Daniell, written at Hanover

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again: but I cannot afford to pay Clements [[underline]] one guinea [[/underline]] per Week: the great doubt I have is to the cleanliness of threshing: I hope Coates and Elphick with the assistance of the Board of Works will be able this autumn to drain Cain's Wood entirely: the account of the harvest for 1817 is sufficiently correct: there is not any hurry respecting Mrs. Oak: perhaps indeed it will be better for her to see the Linnen I shall send her by the Quarterly Messenger before she makes out the list of what she may want to compleat both for Bushy and London. The Dutchess desires her best wishes: she is now quite well: but the journey and the heat had made me very ^ [[addition]] un [[/addition]] comfortable: however the charge