Letter from the Duke of Clarence to J.W. Daniell, written at Hanover

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No. 2 Hanover August 24th: 1818. Dear Daniell, Yesterday I received Yours of 13th instant and its various enclosures: I return enclosed the [[underline]] three [[/underline]] accounts approved. Relative to 100£ by the Troop horses you must ask Coates how he stands for money and what he is likely to have in hand: because I trust he will [[underline]] not [[/underline]] again want money of Mr: Barton:if he [[underline]] can [[/underline]] spare [[underline]] this [[/underline]] sum pay up [[underline]] all [[/underline]] the wages of the different people paid by Elphick and the two sums of £21,,10 and £1,, 9 due to Elphick and Rimington for their [[underline]] Runs [[/underline]] in the Park: the [[underline]] remainder [[/underline]] may begin to pay off the [[underline]] Farm [[/underline]] Bills since Christmas last: but Coates [[underline]] must [[/underline]] have money [[underline]] enough [[/underline]] in hand to buy [[underline]] stock: [[/underline]]