Letter from the Duke of Clarence to Samuel Hawker, written at Bushy House

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the Turk and America seriously united with this country would bring Bonaparte to reason if not to submission. I hope any disposable soldier will be sent to you and that new ministers will Keep the British force concentrated to one point: You are of course acquainted that Hervey is Lieut. Col: and of the medals and ribbons issued by the King to your brave and gallant associates in arms: I approve much of this step: but still I am anxious to see a military and naval order established in this country: we must all be soldiers or sailors or else we are lost: God only knows if peace can [[underline]] ever [[/underline]] be made: but if Made nothing but the sword will maintain it: the country must ever be armed if she means to remain [[underline]] Great [[/underline]] Britain: besides being attached to arms I really believe that instead of the Church