Letter from the Duke of Clarence to Samuel Hawker, written at Bushy House

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Bushy House. Sepr: 28th: 1810. Dear Hawker, I am to acknowledge your letter of 1st August from Cadiz and of 16th August from Lisbon: there cannot be any great apprehension of the fall of Cadiz when defended by two such able and active officers as Graham and Keats and more particularly now three the Spanish ships of the line are gone: as for Portugal hitherto the French have not been able to make any impression on our army: Lord Wellington since the spring has been check mate to Massina: I inquire not there as in I speak to the fact: Almeida is fallen: but what of that? the French Generals find it in every way a very different task to fight a British Commander and army from having to do with Austrians Prussians and Russians: Lord Wellington