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It appearing to me by Certificate that John Sawyer Gent was sworne an Attorney in the Court of [[unclear]] of the honours castle of Windsor the first day of March in the Tenth year of the Reigne of the last queen Ann over Great Britain [[unclear]] And Also if appeazing to me that the roome of the Oathe of Allegiance and Supremacy And Also His Oath appointed to be taken by Attorneys by an Act of Parliament made in the Second Year of his praise of Majesties Reigne instituted and if for the better regulation of Attorneys and Solicitors I do hereby Admitt him the said John Sawyer an Attorney of the said Court and do hereby direct him to be Enrolled by the proper office of the said Court persuaded to the directione of the said [[unclear]] [[unclear]] day of October in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovraign Lord King George the Second over Great Britaine [[unclear]] [[foreign: Latin]] Ano [[unclear]] Dui [[/foreign]] 1730. John Owen [[unclear]] John Owen John Sawyer