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State of Powder, viz. Barrels At Tilbury.... 3440 At Upnor-Castle.... 3345 At Sheerness.... 34 At Portsmouth.... 5010 Ay Plymouth.... 2329 At Greenwich.... 2712 At the other Garrisons in Great-Britain [[underline]] 1860 [[/underline]].... Barrels 18,730 966 Tons of Saltpetre, which will make about .... [[underline]] 17,050 [[/underline]] Total 35,780 On Board the Fleet at Home and abroad to be deducted [[underline]] 13900 [[/underline]] Remain 21,880 Then supposing a Squadron of 40 Line- of-Battle Ships was to be fitted-out, they will require.... [[underline]] 11,700 [[/underline]] 10,180 Allowing 100 Rounds, to each Piece, for the Artillery mention'd on the other Side, they will require about.... [[underline]] 400 [[/underline]] Remainder for the Forces.... 9780. [[symbol]]