Translation of the acknowledgement ('Reversales') by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland of the Act of Cession

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5.) Another of the same for fifty thousand Rixdollars, at 5.pCt. bearing date Buckeburg March ye 23th 1739. and 6) Another Bond of the same, dated at Buckeburg April ye 5th of this present year 1743. for eighty thousand Rixdollars at 4. pCt. But also and beforehand all those Bonds, for any Sum, which may for the future be lent out of the said Fund of 1,108,091. Rixdollars, 31. gros, 1. Stuver, together with the Manors, Lordships and Immoveables, which may be therewith acquired as a Property or a Mortgage, and We do hereby cede, transfer and render the above specified Obligations, together with the [[underline]] [[foreign:Latin]] Nomina et Actiones, [[/foreign]] [[/underline]] Immoveables, manors and Lordships, which may be for the future acquired out of the said Fund, to Our second Son, William August, Duke of Cumberland, and of Bronsvic Luneburg, by virtue of these presents to that