Translation of the acknowledgement ('Reversales') by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland of the Act of Cession

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of Provinces, or if such an Opportunity should not happen, that is should serve to purchase Lordships and Manors, or be lent upon Mortgages; and whereas a Sum of Four hunderd six and fifty thousand, six hunderd six and sixty Rixdollars, 24. gros, has been hitherto lent out in this manner at different times, and to different Debitors, as shall be mention'd hereafter, the Bonds of whom have Our name, and that of Our Chamber of Finances, as considering the Circumstances, it could not be done otherwise: That we therefore to prevent all Doubts and Mistakes, which herefrom might one day arise, and to be the more sure, that our most gracious Intention, in Conformity of which the Fund, which we intend for an [[foreign: Latin]] Apanagium [[/foreign]] for our second Son, may at our Demise without difficulty and contest [[underline]] [[foreign:Latin]] ipso facto et jure [[/foreign]] [[/underline]] devolve to Him, have graciously