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you will be so good as to let me know how, and in what manner I may deliver, or send it to you, If I may presume to judge of my Royal Master's sentiments, he does not conceive himself precluded by the King's Message from taking this, the only means, of endeavouring, as far as he is able, to remove his Majesty's displeasure. I am your Lordship's very humble Servant. Baltimore. Lord Grantham to Lord Baltimore. Sepr. 15th. 1737. My Lord, I have laid your Lordship's Letter before the Queen, who has commanded me to return your Lordship the following answer. The Queen is very sorry, that the Prince's behaviour has given the King such just cause of offence: But thinks herself restrained by the King's last message to the Prince, from receiving any application from the Prince upon that subject. I am, My Lord, your Lordship's & c. Grantham.

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