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a Week before, to have made the necessary preparations for this happy event; without acquainting his Majesty, or the Queen with the circumstances the Princess was in, or giving them the least notice of your departure, is looked upon by the King to be such a deliberate indignity, offered to himself, and to the Queen, that he has commanded me to acquaint your Royal Highness, that he resents it to the highest degree. From the Prince at St. James's, to the King at Hampton Court, by Lord Jersey, August 3d 1737. Sir It is with all the mortification imaginable, that I see by the Message my Lord Essex has brought me, that my coming to Town with the Princess has had the misfortune to displease your Majesty. Permit me, Sir, to represent to you, that in the pressing [[foreign: French]] Sire, C'est avec toute la mortification possible, que je vois par le Message, que my Lord Essex m'a porte, que ma venue on ville, avec la Princesse, a eu la [[unclear]] de déplaire à votre Majesté. Permettez moi, Sire, de vous representer, que dans le cas [[/foreign]]