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1721-2: The honorable John Aifbabie Esqr Dr. Feb. 10th To cash lent him.... 3000.00 June 1st. To cash lent him.... 30000 To interest £ 3000. 11 months 20 days at 5 p cent.... 146.17.6 To interest on 3000 9 months.... [[underline]] 192.90 [[/underline]] to 6259.7.6 1722-3 Feb. 1st. To Ballance paid.... [[underline]] 9486:12:6 [[/underline]] to [[underline]] 9746.... [[/underline]] 1720. Cr. 7ber 27th I. Stock transferd by Mr. Robert Knight.... 6600. 1721. additionall stock to 33.6.8 p cent....2200: [[underline]] to 8800 [[underline]] 1720 By Christmas Div. 50 p cent. on 6600.... 330. Midsumer Dividend 4. p cent.... 264. 1721 Christmas Divident 3 p cent. on 8800....264. Midsumer Dividend....264. 1722 Christmas Dividend....[[underline]] 264. [[/underline]] to 1386 By 8800 stock 95. p cent .... [[underline]] 8360 [[/underline]] [[underline]] to 9746 [[underline]] London 1st. Feb. 1722-3 Charles Vernon Sud. [[unclear]]