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[[underline]] when stock was 760 percent 16th. June. 1720 [[/underline]] and when the account was sent to Hanover the 18th of August 1720 the stock was 40 percent higher, but 800th percent. So that there is not roome for any fraud in that article. If it be said, that I sold this Stock at a high price, and replaced it when the stock was low; with Subscription this [[addition]] ^ is [[/addition]] a most cruell Surmise, since it is impossible any body shou'd know this, if the Receipts and Evidence I have mention'd were not an meant stable proof of the contrary. And it will appear notwithstanding all the clamour made about the gains suppos'd to be got by me, that of 38,844th S. Stock in my name, onely 7000th stock was sold upon my account as was prov'd before the Trustees and the Judges, which was accounted for to the Company and was no part of the Kings Stock; for it was actually sold a month before I receiv'd the Kings orders to sell his, as may appear by the proof made before the Judges. As to any objection the late King might have to this account, I do not know of it any further, than when I was in the Tower, I was told that some person had suggested something to his Majesty in prejudice to this account. Upon which I presum'd to write to his Maj.ty humbly beseeching him to appoint some persons to examine it in what manner he thought fit. Upon which my Lord Sunderland validated content came for me in the Tower, when my Ld. Sunderland assured me from the King,that he was well satisfied with the account and had given him orders to tell me so and with all that he wou'd give me that 6000 S. Stock in consideration of my sufferings. And the same Lords some time after I was releasd from the tower did me the honor to visit me at my house and gave me the same assurancey there. But not withstanding all this, it was insisted upon sometime afterwards, that I should pay it, which I did accordingly, tho' I was forc'd to borrow the money till the stock cou'd be sold, the books being at that time shut; which might proceed perhaps from some misinformation given to his maj.ty but I never was acquainted with it. As this was a very nice affair into which I was drawn much against my inclination, and purely in obedience to the Kings pleasure so I took care to discharge the trust with the greatest condition of fidelity, and as much to the advantage of his Maj.ty as to the misfortunes of the times woud admit, abhorring the thoughts of defrauding any man & betraying a private trust, especially in the case of my sovereign to whome I had so many obligations.

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