Letter [in French] from Queen Caroline to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/121], reporting that the King had ordered her to ask Mr Clayton what was the correct procedure for when money was paid to the Great Wardrobe, asking her for this information immediately but commenting that if the Queen was to see either Mrs or Mr Clayton, that would cause suspicion; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/066].

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Le Roy ma ordonne ma chere amie de demander Ms Klethon si cest la maniger, que quand il [[unclear]] des conte, peaigé pour la grande garderobe, [[addition]] qu [[/addition]] 'il faut un warrand du sequertaire den place la quitance de la tessory, je 'vous pri de me le mander incequament, je crainderais si je vous voiye ou Ms Klethon que cela donnerait du soupcon, j'espere que votre sante et bone, je le souhaité de tous mon coeur, For Mrs. Clayton when queen