Letter [in French] from Queen Caroline to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/120], reporting that the King had spoken, but guardedly, and recommending that 'the freind' [sic] be also on his guard to avoid being suspected; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/064].

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[[foreign:French]] le Roy a parlés, ill etét sur son guardé, con ne supconér pas la mie, il faut, quil, será bien, sur son guarde, [[/foreign]] Caroline this was writ when she was queen The King has spoke.He was upon his guard that the freind be not suspected, let him be well upon his guard. NB. the King had spoke to Sr. R. Walpole pursuant to some advice given him by Mr. Clayton, this letter was to given a caution that Mr Clayton shd. be upon his guard, not to discover from whence the advice came.