Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/072], expressing amusement over the mix-up of Mrs Clayton's letters to herself and to Geminghen, reporting that she will be going to her children soon and that Princess Amelia is not well, explaining that she will be visiting Lady Pembroke tomorrow on account of the death of her [Lady Pembroke's] daughter and hoping to have the pleasure of seeing Mrs Clayton for a good portion of the day; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/060a].

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[[foreign: French]] Ce 30 july, Je voix de relevait ma chère amie votre lettre, et [[unclear]] que et [[unclear]] jolie je me flade que ground je voit revenait votre temp sera an auly bon et [[unclear]] votre Esprit etre vive et [[unclear]] vous avez veu par [[unclear]] que ce que je veut dit m'[[unclear]] comblement puit que Lefait Camandere et que cet 4 heir mon passed come deu je [[unclear]] se [[unclear]] qui me semera la [[unclear]] de veut voit [[unclear]] contrain de et auly [[unclear]] que je le [[unclear]] je fait tres [[unclear]] [[/foreign]] Caroline