Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/098], reporting that a certain [unspecified] 'affair' is settled and that Walpole will not be in the Treasury, and expressing a warning as regards 'our freind' [sic] [identified in a note as Mr Clayton], as 'He will be too able for Aislaby [sic]'; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/058].

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[[foreign: French]] Les afaire don je vous ajé, parlé ma chere Clayton son, reglér Walpole ne veut pas absolument a la Tressurie, prere quarde a notre amie j'ay peur qu'il ne fait trop agille pour [[unclear]] laby [[addition]] maisby [[/addition]] [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] et plus son affaire [[deletion]] [[unclear]] [[unclear]] [[/deletion]] [[/foreign]]