Letter [in French] from the Princess of Wales to Mrs. Clayton [GEO/ADD/28/094], reporting on the amount of support the Princess believes they have against [?] the passage of the Bill [believed to be the Peerage Bill] and identifying various men on their side, commenting that 'He' [identifed by a note by Mrs Clayton as Lord Sunderland] does all possible to gain Tory support [for them], contradicting reports identifying individuals who had left their side and reporting that they expect the Bill to be introduced on Wednesday; with transcription in French and English translation [GEO/ADD/28/054].

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[[foreign: French]] je charge d Klerch, pour vous asure ma chere amie que je vous aime tendrement, lond dit que lacour prestante dettre asurer, d'amporter le bille je vais vous faire la discription sur quoy nous croions lamporter 141 torie, 80 veck, qui on toujour votte centre lacour et 7 S assure des autres veches, avec 20 donleu il ont fait Rumene ment cequ'il on peu pour ganger les tories, jusqu'a leur promis dre de' casser le parliment et prandre des messure tories aquy [[unclear]] des nier leur ond repondre quil les avoit trop souveant trompé pour [[/foreign]]